How to Invite Everyone to a Slack Channel


senorcodecat / slack-invite-automation Go PK Goto Github PK

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A tiny web application to invite a user into your slack team.

License: MIT License

JavaScript 58.26% CSS 19.38% HTML 20.87% Dockerfile 1.49%

slack-invite-automation's Introduction

Slack Invite Automation

A tiny web application to invite a user into your Slack team.

Inspired by How I hacked Slack into a community platform with Typeform and's Slack page.

This project supports Heroku, Azure and Cloud Foundry.

Deploy to Heroku Deploy to Azure


You can set variables for your own purpose in config.js or environment variables.


Fill out config.js as your infomation.

  • community: Your community or team name to display on join page.
  • slackUrl : Your Slack team url (ex.:
  • slacktoken : Your access token for Slack.
    • You can generate it in
    • You should generate the token in admin user, not owner. If you generate the token in owner user, a missing_scope error may occur.
  • inviteToken: An optional security measure - if it is set, then that token will be required to get invited.
  • locale: Application language (currently de, en, es, fr, ja, ko, pl, pt, pt-BR, tr, zh-CN and zh-TW available).

Environment Variables

You can set environment variables directly or in .env file. If you want to use a .env file, create a file in the root called .env with the following key/value pairs. (.env files are added to the .gitignore.)

  • COMMUNITY_NAME : Your community or team name to display on join page.
  • SLACK_URL : Your Slack team url (ex.:
  • SLACK_TOKEN : Your access token for Slack.
    • You can generate it in
    • You should generate the token as an admin user, not owner. If you generate the token in owner user, a missing_scope error may occur.
  • INVITE_TOKEN: An optional security measure - if it is set, then that token will be required to get invited.
  • LOCALE: Application language (currently de, en, es, fr, ja, ko, pl, pt, pt-BR, tr, zh-CN and zh-TW available).


                      COMMUNITY_NAME=socketio SLACK_TOKEN=ffsdf-5411524512154-16875416847864648976-45641654654654654-444334f43b34566f INVITE_TOKEN=abcdefg LOCALE=en                                          

You can test your token via curl:

                      curl -X POST                                              ''                                            \  --data                                              'email=EMAIL&token=TOKEN&set_active=true'                                            \  --compressed

Heroku / Azure

Add the application settings that are defined in the environment variables above.


Node.js is required.

$ git clone $                      cd                      slack-invite-automation $ npm install $ npm start

You can access http://localhost:3000 on your web browser.

Run with Docker

It's easy to run this service if you have installed Docker on your system.

$ git clone $                      cd                      slack-invite-automation $ docker build -t slack-invite-automation                      .                      $ docker run -it --rm -e COMMUNITY_NAME=                        "YOUR-TEAM-NAME"                                            -e SLACK_URL=                        ""                                            -e SLACK_TOKEN=                        "YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN"                                            -p 3000:3000 slack-invite-automation

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How to Invite Everyone to a Slack Channel


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